12 years down of school, and 1 more left. I have to admit that is one of the scariest things I have ever made myself realize. Sooner then I think summer will be over, I will be heading into my last year of high school and in a blink of an eye that will be over.
So many things have changed through the years of my life. Now, I know change is expected, we grow up and we move on from things and head into new things. When I first headed into kindergarten I was the girl who was living with her grandparents and a broken mess for a lot of it. Heading into grade 1, my grandparents had custody over me and I grew up happy and smiling but still missing things. Heading into grade 8, I became a believer in God but struggled with my faith big time. Now heading into grade 12, I am a different person from all the other times. I am strong believer in God and love him more then ever. I smile more and have dealt with a lot of things. I know heading into university in a year I will have changed a bit now, but through people coming in and out of my life, my actions and behavior changing and growing in who I am, I can say I am content with the who I am today - for right now that's all that matters.
I can't believe high school is almost over but it is going to give me an opportunity to grow in the person I am. I am excited, scared, sad and happy. So many emotions packed into the thought of high school ending, but I guess this is life. "No one told us it would be easy, but no one told us it would be this hard." A line that makes me think very deeply, are our parents supposed to tell us everything? warn us of every little bump in the road? can the they teach us every lesson? can they help fix every mistake we make? NO! Our parents can warn us of things in life that may hurt us but if they tell us everything we will never grow into the person we are supposed to be. They can't teach us every lesson because I am sure we are going to go out and try it anyways so we can learn on our own. They can't warn us every bump in the road of life because we are all different. And they can't help us fix every mistake because if they get fixed we will never learn. So no, no one told us it would be easy, but at the same time, we need to learn for ourselves it would be hard so they can't tell us that either.
I have been stretched, pulled and tugged at through the years. I have fallen, learned lessons, been hurt and got back on my feet.
I am ready for a great summer and then a great grade 12 year. grad 2011! :D
Just me;
- chels
- I am in my last year of high school, with large plans with what the future holds. I am the girl who will do anything to make her friends smile and cares about everyone. I attend a youth group that is one of the best groups around, and that is apart of the outstanding church called living waters. I love hanging out with friends, but also enjoy spending time on my own. I write poetry to express myself, it is one of my hobbies, along with scrap booking. My family is my world, my friends are also. & Jesus Christ is my life.
Hey Chels. First off, Miss you! Going to camp this year? If you are I hope to see you and catch up. That's alot to go through and you've become a beautiful person out of it. Hope to see you soon. Becca OOO RAH! <3