Just me;

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I am in my last year of high school, with large plans with what the future holds. I am the girl who will do anything to make her friends smile and cares about everyone. I attend a youth group that is one of the best groups around, and that is apart of the outstanding church called living waters. I love hanging out with friends, but also enjoy spending time on my own. I write poetry to express myself, it is one of my hobbies, along with scrap booking. My family is my world, my friends are also. & Jesus Christ is my life.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Lately so many things have been happening that I am not sure how to exactly feel.

Less then a month ago, a girl I truly care about, a role model to me, lost her dad to a battle of cancer. It made me feel sick hearing it, and left me speechless. I have been through the process but I didn't know what to say - but she assured me understanding was more then enough. I wish I could say more, I wish I could take away all her pain and bring her dad back. Reality check though, I can't. I can't take the pain away, I can't fix all the hurt, I can't bring her dad back. But I can be there when she needs an ear, a shoulder to cry on, and someone to remind her to keep going and that she is loved.

Today, another close friend of mine, dad passed away. We knew it was coming but it was expected to be about 4 months from now. Cancer got the best of him, it spread and it couldn't be stopped. Again it made me feel sick, it all happened so fast. Now I have a friend who is heart broken because her dad won't see some of the biggest moments in her life, like her wedding and much more. I wish I could fix everything, but I can't. Reality hit me again today, our world isn't perfect, disease can kick us in the butt and we can't always beat it, and that all I can do is a friend is be there, and never walk away from her.

I wish cancer wasn't real. I wish no one suffered from such a disease. I wish little kids didn't have to waste away their child hood in a hospital room. I wish people didn't have to say goodbye to their loved ones on their death bed. I just wish cancer wasn't real.

Another thing that is very real for me right now, a young boy I knew died 3 years ago tomorrow (technically today). It was an unfair accident, not his fault at all and now his life is gone. He has left behind 4 siblings that miss him like crazy and 2 parents who have their heart broken because their little boy is gone. I wish he was still here.

Death is real, it is here. We can't predict tomorrow, nothing is guaranteed so we have to live our lives to the fullest enjoying every moment that we have.

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